Friday, January 29, 2010










Jessica~New York



Noly~Puerto Rico

With the exception of a couple who I didn't have pictures with, these are my roommates from both of my internships, along with the state or country where they are from. They were responsible for a great deal of the fun I had while living & working at the Most Magical Place on Earth!
~Steph :)

Thursday, January 28, 2010


I'd definitely have to say that the most nerve-wracking part of starting out in the program, even if it isn't your first time, is not kowing who your roommates will be, except maybe one or two. At the same time, this can end up being the most rewarding part of the program, as I'd be inclined to say was the case for me. Though it wasn't all fun & games, I can look back on it with overall fondness.

When I did the fall 2007 internship I lived with 5 other girls with a couple of changes over the course of the semester; when I did the Summer Alumni 2008 internship I officially lived with 5 other girls but also had 2 other guy roommates that were a lot of fun to live with. (I would definitely recommend living with guys to other girls who have never done it because they candefiitely help to balance out the estrogen levels! ;)
Both experiences were, without a doubt, a lesson in how to be a more selfless person. Despite the fact that you can choose to live as though your way is always best, it may not lead to the most positive experience & you probably won't remember your roommates as lasting friends. Most likely as a result of trying to live selflessly, I was blessed to share a room both times with a person who was an absolute joy to live with! I felt as though we got along very well & dearly missed them when our time was up (& still do). I, of course, hope this will be the same for everyone who takes on this internship but that cannot always be the case, no matter how much effort is put into it. :( One never knows, though, how things will turn out since I did grow closer to some roommates & apart from others throughout the span of the program. So, basically, there is always hope to make the best of the time you are given at WDW.

P.S. I'll show you who each of my roommates were in the next post.

~Steph :)

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Down Time

By far one of the best, if not THE best, parts of working for Disney is having the privilege of going into any one of their parks for free. Being able to enjoy one of the greatest vacation destinations in the world at no cost, whenever you want is pretty awsome! Personally, if I was ever having a rough day or simply wanted to put everything else in the world out of my mind, I could spend a few hours or a few minutes in the midst of what I loved most. Though I preferred to visit at night it didn't really matter when I went because I always had a wonderful time; in fact, I went nearly every day & never got tired of it! I felt a little piece of Heaven on a daily basis when I stood in line to ride an amazing ride, eat delicious food, or meet a beloved character. I could virtually do whatever I wanted with the time that I had & I always made the most of it at those wondrous theme parks. Even with a job schedule to keep I always had a tremendous sense of freedom & opportunity to do what made me happy. I'd say it's a pretty good dilemma to be in to have to choose whether to have fun at Magic Kingdom or Animal Kingdom. If only every decision in life was guaranteed to lead to a pot of gold... :)

~Steph :)

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Sort of an Intro

Well here goes nothing! I'm kind of going out on a limb by starting this "project" before I even know for sure if I'll be returning to Disney World in the near future (i.e. Fall 2010). But even if I don't I can still look forward to when I do & also look back on the times I spent there previously. Though there is great excitement about the whole thing, I am also prone to feeling terribly nervous. There is so much to think about when undertaking an experience as major as this one. Yes, I may have done it twice before, but that still doesn't make it all that easy to do again. I'm not at all out to scare those who are preparing for their first time because it is an amazing experience that I truly believe anyone CAN & possibly even SHOULD do, but I must say that participating in the Disney College Program (both times) was by far the best & hardest thing I have ever done with my life! (In other words, it was so worth it! :) There were times, mostly at the beginning when I wasn't sure I could do it but I did make it through, not once but twice, & now believe I am ready to do it again. At the same time, I also know that I can prepare & anticipate all I want to but it could end up being a completely different experience. All I really know is that the first two times were indescribable & I would like to have that happen again. The funny thing is, I cried when I first got there (both times) & I cried when I left (both times, though not quite as much the first time). I met many people I will never forget, though some I'd like to, but most I hope to always remember. I also found the love of my life there (no it's not a person, just the Tower of Terror), but more on that later *wink*. In fact, there's going to be quite a bit more later because I basically wanted to make this an introduction to my journey, whether embarking on it sooner or later.

~Steph :)

Thursday, January 21, 2010


As you can see there's not a whole lot to see just yet but that's b/c I'm still trying to decide how I want everything to look. Hopefully I will make some real progress very soon, but in the meantime know that I am super excited for what I hope the future will bring (i.e. a move back to Disney)!

~Steph :)