When I did the fall 2007 internship I lived with 5 other girls with a couple of changes over the course of the semester; when I did the Summer Alumni 2008 internship I officially lived with 5 other girls but also had 2 other guy roommates that were a lot of fun to live with. (I would definitely recommend living with guys to other girls who have never done it because they candefiitely help to balance out the estrogen levels! ;)
Both experiences were, without a doubt, a lesson in how to be a more selfless person. Despite the fact that you can choose to live as though your way is always best, it may not lead to the most positive experience & you probably won't remember your roommates as lasting friends. Most likely as a result of trying to live selflessly, I was blessed to share a room both times with a person who was an absolute joy to live with! I felt as though we got along very well & dearly missed them when our time was up (& still do). I, of course, hope this will be the same for everyone who takes on this internship but that cannot always be the case, no matter how much effort is put into it. :( One never knows, though, how things will turn out since I did grow closer to some roommates & apart from others throughout the span of the program. So, basically, there is always hope to make the best of the time you are given at WDW.
P.S. I'll show you who each of my roommates were in the next post.
~Steph :)
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